Coming To Terms With A Serious POISON Called Sugar

by Charles on April 20, 2011

OK it’s everywhere. Walk into any of our natural food stores — Whole Foods, Mothers, “healthy” vegan-oriented restaurants — they are all guilty, everyone of them, of promoting this stuff. Indeed, Whole Foods Market offers it in abundance. That bothers me and it should bother you. It tells us that society has not owned up to just how bad it is. It matters not one bit if a dessert contains “organic” sugar, is “low fat” and contains no “trans fats.” IF it contains sugar, it is unfit for human consumption. Sugar is more than just a calorie that add pounds to the body. Much more. It is an insidious chemical that plays a key role in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, liver disease and others. Let’s stop pretending it’s OK. SUGAR IS A KILLER.

A lengthy recent article in the New York Times by nutritional writer Gary Taubes offers compelling evidence of the lethality of the innocent looking simple white crystal. If you have a sweet tooth, you need to read it.

If you prefer to have someone lecture to you, then sit back and watch this video. It is devastating and instructive. Living a natural lifestyle absolutely means avoiding sugar. Remember that next time you see a beautiful dessert display in a natural products supermarket or vegan restaurant.

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